Hi there. I used to blog a few years back. It was called Brain Spillage. I even owned the domain name for a bit. Nothing that interesting, just what I was thinking and doing at the time. It kinda died a natural death although I have to note that my experiences getting my PADI OW certification was faithfully blogged at the time.
Since then, I've gotten married, made some money, dived a bit, enjoyed life and became a dive instructor. Now, I figured that when I go on dive trips, I sometimes lack information or am wanting for more. A dive trip isn't just the dives and what can be seen, it's also the room, the facilities, the people, the service, the food, the boat, the surface interval, the non-diving activities, etcetera. I obviously am only able to blog about places I've experienced first hand myself but just maybe it'd help someone somewhere sometime. Good enough.
I do realise a blog is mostly reaching out to the rest of the world with some degree of anonymity. I guess I'm trying to be significant one way or another as a diver. The impending separation from my wife probably influenced my decision somewhat. That's another story and a heck of a complicated one. One I think, I will keep that one to myself since it's got nothing to do with diving.
Oh yes, I suppose it's a good time to start this blog. On this day, exactly a year ago, in 2010 - I certified as a PADI instructor. I think I deserve a beer. Cheers!